0407 677 899 or 0417 244 946 info@thefloatcentre.com.au

Frequently Asked Questions
about Floats and Trailers

Why buy from TFC and not directly from a factory?

   We stock many of the best brands available and are completely independent thereby allowing us to give you genuine independent advice to suit your needs, the needs of your horse and of course your budget. We are not beholden to any particular brand and with over 35 years in the business, selling and servicing floats, we can give the best advice in terms of brand, models and options.
In addition all floats sold by us both new and used go through a comprehensive pre-delivery service and inspection. This comes at no charge to you and helps to ensure the float is ready to go. We can also register the float ready to drive away.

To our knowledge we are the only independent float specialist with  a display centre and fully equipped workshop, accredited by all our suppliers.

Is the Ifor Williams’s braking system approved over 2 tonne ATM/GTM in Australia?

Yes, Ifor Williams floats are fully approved for registration in all States. Full documentation is provided with all floats sold. To our knowledge Ifor Williams floats are the only ones currently with such approval. The standard HB506/HBX506 models are approved to 2600Kg and the HB511/HBX511 (slightly larger models) are approved at 2700Kg.

Do we service floats?

Yes – however, we only service our own brands due to concerns re safety, build quality and availability of parts for some imported floats.

We do not do full refurbishments/rebuilds, repainting or fibreglass repairs.

Which of your range are Australian Made?

The Float Centre stock both Australian and European floats.

Australian – Rowville, Olympic & Crisfloat

UK – Ifor Williams – Largest and most respected float and commercial trailer builder in UK and Europe

What are the differences between hydraulic, mechanical and electric brakes?

In Australia we are mostly used to hydraulic (over-ride) brakes and electric brakes.

Hydraulic brakes are legal up to a maximum GTM of 2000kg. They use hydraulic fluid which is pressurized when the float pushes on the tow vehicle as it slows down. One advantage is that they can be towed by multiple tow vehicles as there is no controller needed in the tow car. The main disadvantage is that they are very inefficient, need significantly more maintenance and are not legal on heavier floats. 

Electric brakes are legal on floats up to 4500Kg total weight and mandatory on almost all floats over 2000Kg. So for most larger double or triple floats they are the standard.

You will need a good quality progressive style brake controller fitted to your vehicle. Please ask us for our advice on choice and installation to suit your car and float. This is a free service.

Mechanical brakes are a type of override brake system that in Australia was previously mostly used on smaller boat trailers. In recent years they have become popular as known on the UK imported Ifor Williams floats and trailers rated up to 3500Kg. The good quality systems as fitted on the Ifor Williams trailers are a safe, low maintenance option that eliminates the need for a brake controller to be fitted in your towing vehicle. It is also a smooth braking action for a horse float with no need to adjust braking level according to loaded/unloaded weight.

Any float over 2000Kg must have braking on 4 wheels and be fitted with a safety brakeaway system.

Talk to us anytime for more info about brakes and braking systems!


Who can fit an electric brake controller in your vehicle and which brands would you recommend?

It is important to choose the correct type of brake controller to suit both your car and the float.

Some controllers we believe are not suitable or less suitable for floats – we recommend “progressive” type controllers as they have smoother operation, are better for your horses and will give better braking and help the brakes in your float to last longer.

We partner with experienced and reputable installers who fit controllers  and can also fit power wires and Anderson plugs if required.